Welcome to CyberWar & LongTerm Ramification Unleashed by Russia’s War

Cyberwar is today’s reality. We’ve moved from a world of cyber-criminal threats to an interconnected arena where any malicious activity is feasible. Cyber-Kinetic attacks that destroy, kill, and massively disrupt civil society are part of our new security threat landscape reality. Geography will not help. The massively interconnected Internet means that you are a cyberwarrior’s target, collateral damage to the attack, or were lucky to duck and avoid id.

This session will help participants understand cyberwar’s reality. Today and our future cyberwar risk will require dramatic changes and actions that can immediately be used to “raise shields” and protect your network, business, and customers.

This talk was presented at the 2022 BKNIX Peering Forum. The presentation and Video are linked below.

Welcome to Cyberwar Materials

BKNIX 2022 Peering Forum – https://peeringforum.bknix.co.th/bpf2022/

Are you looking for more practical, public-service Security Advice?

The materials and guides posted on www.senki.org here are designed to help organizations leverage the talent around them to get started with their security activities. Start with the Operator’s Security Toolkit and Meaningful Security Conversations with your Vendors. Each is no-nonsense security for all Operators. It provides details to help them build more security-resilient networks. In the meantime, stay connected to the Senki Community to get updates on new empowerment and security insights.