IP Anti-Spoofing Research Papers

We have a long library of IP Spoofing Research papers from universities worldwide. These papers are a rich & productive field of academic study exploring the risk, technique, tools, and deployment of IP anti-spoofing throughout the Internet. This page works to collect all papers in one place. Note: The materials are sorted alphabetically. This does

IPv4/IPv6 Anti-Spoofing – Source Address Validation (SAV) – Techniques & Tools

IPv4/IPv6 Anti-Spoofing through Source Address Validation (SAV) is one of the most promoted security best practices. We have achieved a wide range of SAV deployment, but we also run into the tedious 20% of the Internet that takes more human-intensive SAV deployment work. This guide is provided to help operators, engineers, policymakers, and executive decision-makers

Remote Triggered Black Hole (RTBH) Filtering

  RTBH Fundamentals You have three choices when you stand in front of an on rushing force. You can push back directly against that force. You can step aside and let the force push past you. Or, you can redirect the force to a location that you choose. Now think of that “force” in the