CISOs, get your First Sergeant

Behind Every Effective CISO, a First Sergeant is Clearing the Path for the organization’s success. The way we’re setting up our CISO structure is NOT working as expected. The threats keep on coming. Organizations put their fingers in the dike, plugging security risks while exhaustingly bailing water from a sinking boat. This is a no-win Read More

Executive Security Leadership – It is Not Hard!

Security Leadership is not hard. CxOs stress over the security threats to their business. A lot of that stress is generated by the press. Common sense Executive practices and leadership principles have guided organizations through extreme security-related business pressures. What guides the organization is obvious, clear the path for the team, trust the team, pull

Meaningful Security Conversations with your Vendors

How does any organization have productive and meaningful security conversations? This guide offers a simple and meaningful security conversation guide. These conversations would help the organization determine the real security risk from their vendors.  This is an updated version of a set of questions Operators (and vendors) can use to have these meaningful conversations.  With